Escape From Damnation

Unity Based Space Top-Down Shooter


What is the Project?

Escape from Damnation is a 3d top-down shooter RPG. The aim of the game is to escape from Damnation Castle. The prisoner will fight through various levels, enemies and traps to achieve freedom. Picking up various weapons and powerups, the player will grow stronger and stronger as they progress through the levels. However, Damnation Castle is known for its almost impossible to escape security. The further the prisoner goes to escape, the more torment and terror they will unveil.

How do you play?

Escape from Damnation has a top-down camera facing towards the player and the surrounding area. The player can run around and shoot in the level, with a fast-paced feel like Diablo and Lost Ark. The player will spawn at the beginning of each level carrying over the previous weapons and power-ups from previous levels. They can use the WASD keys to move across the level. As they travel around the level, they will come across various enemies that will begin to attack the player once they are in a predefined range. The player will need to shoot these enemies multiple times to defeat them. To complete a level, the player must eliminate all the enemies within the level and reach the exit gate for the level. The exit gate will be blocked off whilst there are enemies still alive.

Code Examples

Script that handles shooting for the player -

Script that handles bullet damaging the enemies -